À Pointe-Claire, le 22 février 2020, à l’âge de 89 ans, est décédé M. Henri Monjanel, époux de feu Mme Nicole Pomiès, résidant à Vaudreuil-Dorion. Il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Paul (Sylvie Lussier) et Pascale (Joseph Lévy), ses petits-enfants Laurent (Rebecca), Valérie et Nathalie (Randi), son arrière-petit-fils Noah, ses frères et sa sœur: François, Christian et Catherine, ses belles-soeurs Françoise, Christiane, ainsi que parents et amis. Exposé le samedi 29 février de 9h à 10h30 au Complexe funéraire J.A.Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 www.jalarin.com Les funérailles auront lieu le samedi 29 février à 11h en l’église St-Clément, 183, chemin St-Louis, Beauharnois. Inhumation au cimetière de St-Clément. Des dons à la Société d’Alzheimer du Suroît, 340, boulevard Du Havre, suite 101, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec, J6S 1S6 seraient appréciés.
Recevez toutes mes sympathies,avec toute mon affection,Isabelle Mougeot
I knew Henri first when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in a village near his family’s farm in Morocco in the 1960s He was such a sweet, gentle man – it was always a pleasure when he visited me and my roommate. Later I taught him in an English class in Sidi Kacem, and was lucky to visit him and his wife in Canada once. My husband and I were planning to come to Toronto to help him celebrate his 90th birthday today; I am so sorry we lost him before that. But glad that his family could be with him. We will all miss him.
Your all forever in our thoughts and prayers!
Praying for your healing comfort, strength and peace during this painful time.
Thinking of all of you and here for you with loving support.
With Lots of Love always and forever