À Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, le 7 décembre 2010, à l’âge de 55 ans, est décédé M. Maurice Beaudin, époux de Mme Gisèle Boucher, résidant à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Jenny et Craig, sa soeur Iris (Robert Lamothe), son frère Robert (Margie Mc Kendry), sa belle-mère Mme Jeanne Matte, ses beaux-frères et ses belles-soeurs Jacqueline, Pierre, Maurice, ses nièces Tracy, Koren, Janice et Crystal, ainsi que parents et amis. La famille recevra les condoléances le vendredi 10 décembre de 14h00 à 17h00 au Complexe funéraire J.A. Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 www.jalarin.com.
Lit by Robert Beaudin – I will miss you dearly little brother – I love you very much
Lit by Margie Beaudin – Maurice I will miss you and your smiling face forever – you are a wonderful person.
Lit by Janice Beaudin Nolet – You will always have a piece in my heart. My thoughts we be with you always. I love you very much uncle Maurice.
Lit by Robert Beaudin – I will miss you dearly little brother – I love you very much
Lit by Margie Beaudin – Maurice I will miss you and your smiling face forever – you are a wonderful person.
Lit by Janice Beaudin Nolet – You will always have a piece in my heart. My thoughts we be with you always. I love you very much uncle Maurice.
Lit by Robert Beaudin – I will miss you dearly little brother – I love you very much
Lit by Margie Beaudin – Maurice I will miss you and your smiling face forever – you are a wonderful person.
Lit by Janice Beaudin Nolet – You will always have a piece in my heart. My thoughts we be with you always. I love you very much uncle Maurice.