For english obituary, look after the french one.
À Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, le 1er août 2013, à l’âge de 57 ans, est décédé M. Normand Philippe Boudreault, résidant à Mississauga, Ont. Pré-décédé de son père Jean, il laisse dans le deuil sa conjointe Carolann Mahoney, ses enfants Maxime Boudreault (Annick), Andreanne Roy (Maxime), Brianne, Chea et Maya, son petit-fils Elliot, ses soeurs Johanne et Karine, sa mère Mme Germaine Couturier, Jocelyne Roy ainsi que parents et amis. Exposé le jeudi 8 août de 14h à 18h au Complexe funéraire J.A. Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 www.jalarin.com Une liturgie funéraire suivra à 18h à la Chapelle du Complexe funéraire. Inhumation au Cimetière de St-Zotique. Des dons à la Fondation pour l’éducation des enfants (RBC 354, compte # 5141189) seraient appréciés.
Normand passed away on August 1st, 2013 at the age of 57. He is preceded in death by his father, Jean and is survived by his wife, Carolann Mahoney of Mississauga, children Maxime (Annick) Boudreault of Montreal, Andreanne (Maxime) Roy of Montreal, Brianne, Chea, and Maya, his grandson Elliot, siblings Johanne and Karine and his mother Germaine Couturier, Jocelyne Roy, as well as many friends and extended family.
Mr. Boudreault served in the Royal Canadian Navy “Commission Officer” rank Lieutenant CAF 1977. Normand attended Harvard Business School. His most recent position had been with Avnet Logistics in Brazil and was previously General Manager for Alcon, Canada and Brazil, where he and his family had lived for 14 years. Family, especially his children, brought him joy, and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
“When you part from your friend,
you grieve not; For that which you love most in him
may be clearer in his absence,
as the mountain to the climber
is clearer from the plain.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Funeral Services will be held at the Funeral Home J.A Larin & fils, 317 Victoria st., Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec,J6T 1B3, 450-373-3636, www.jalarin.com
Thursday August 8th, 2 – 6 PM. with a Celebration in the Chapel of the Funeral Home at 6 PM.
Memorial Services will be held at The Glenerin Inn 1695 The College Way, Mississauga, ON L5L 3S7
Monday August 12th, 7 – 9 PM.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the children’s education fund (RBC 354 account number 5141189)
Offrez vos condoléances à la famille de M. Normand Philippe Boudreault
J’offre mes condoléances à toute la famille, pour moi c’est ma jeunesse Normand et moi ont l’a passé ensemble avec ses soeurs, nos cousins et cousine j’en ai de beau souvenir xxxxxxxx
Mes sympathies a toute la famille xx
Nous sommes avec toute la famille dans ces moments qui nous font revivre a nous le depart de notre fils Francois
Richard a un rendez-vous chez le cardio demain a 15 heures
donc impossibilité de nous y rendre
sinceres pensées et prieres a vous tous
pour toujours
Carolann and Girls
I wish GOD brings peace for you during this hard time.You do have lots of good memories to keep from the great person and father he was.
Regards, Luciane
Morning Carolann,
I received the news of the passing of my dear friend Normand through Luciene Borges.
And I’m very sad. Knew it could count all the good times, happy and sad.
For me too great a loss, because since I met him I gained a friend immeasurable.
I know this sad news. I hope you and the girls can overcome this loss in Christ Jesus.
Here in Brazil know that you have friends who loves you very much.
Sadness hits the heart. Never expect news like this. May God comfort the hearts of all of you.
Love this family.
Sincères condoléances à la famille.
Andréanne et Maxime, nous comprenons votre
peine et nous vous envoyons toute notre affection
Prenez soin de vous et à bientôt.
Corinne et Réjeanne
Nos plus sinceres sympathies vous
sont adressées,tout particulierement a
toi Andréanne et Maxime C. ainsi
qu’a toute la famille suite au déces de
de ton papa, notre coeur, nos pensées
notre soutient vous accompagnent en ce
triste évenement!
Nous vous aimons beaucoup
prenez soins de vous et sachez trouver
ensemble le réconfort afin de regarder
devant et transformer positivement ce
moment difficile( puisque l’on ne sait
pas de quoi sera fait demain!!!)
P.S.: La distance et le travail –
ne nous aurons pas permis de vous
acoompagner lors de cet évenement
et sachez que nous en sommes
tres attristés!!! Soyez courageux!
Doris et Jean-Roch
May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time.
May God bless him and his family. RIP my dear friend.
May you all find some comfort through such sad moment. We’re very sorry.
Dear Carolann and girls,
we are very sorry by your loss. We are all deeply saddened and in the name of Pueri Domus I wanted to offer our condolences.
May God bless you and your family during this time and always.
I’m very sad for your loss. Normand was a gifted soul and a leader, a captain who sail the life and built a beautiful family and had many friends.
We all know him in Brazil will miss our good friend.
God have him by his side.
Be in peace and God bring comfort for you and the girls.
George Adami
Bouleversés par cet événement tragique, nous prenons part à votre douleur et vous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à Johanne, Karine, votre mère Mme Boudreault et toute la famille. Nous sommes près de vous par la pensée faute de ne pouvoir se rendre aux funérailles et vous adressons toute notre affection.
France & Hernando
Tout c’est fait si vite, je n’ai pu te souhaiter mes sympathies. Une autre épreuve à traverser. Nous vous adressons nos sincères condoléances à toi et à toute ta famille.
Anne et Jean-Marc Chiasson
Querida amiga, a vida nos prega cada peça.
Eu sempre falo que Deus sabe o que faz, sofrem os que ficam. Te desejo muita força, neste momento para confortar as meninas lindas de vocês.Daqui vamos orar para que sinta o conforto das orações.
Mesmo pra mim que vi tão pouco as recordações são muitas e gostosas de lembrar como nos jogos, churrascos, etc…
Um forte abraço, e bjs a todos.