À Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, le 17 octobre 2020, à l’âge de 89 ans, est décédé M. Walter Campbell, époux de Mme Lucille Jourdain, résidant à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil son frère Bernard (Cynthia), sa belle-soeur Hélène (feu René Levasseur) et son beau-frère Roger (feu Thérèse Lizotte), ses neveux et nièces ainsi que parents et amis. La famille recevra les condoléances le samedi 7 novembre de 14h à 15h au Complexe funéraire J.A.Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 www.jalarin.com. Une liturgie de la parole suivra à 15h à la chapelle du complexe. Inhumation au cimetière de Valleyfield. Des dons à la Fondation Canadienne du rein, 2300, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, Montréal, Québec, H3H 2R5 seraient appréciés.
Nos sincères condoléances à toute la famille.
Sincères condoléances.
Bon courage à Mme Jourdain et à toute la famille.
Mes condoléances à tante Lucile aussi à toute
la famille Jourdain et Campbell…
Gaetan et Micheline..
Sincères Condoléances a la famille Campbell et Jourdain…
Sincères condoléances à la famille Campbell ainsi que tante Lucille
Pauline et Gilles Castonguay
Sincères condoléances a la famille Jourdain A ma soeur Lucille et la famille Campbell.
Walter was an important figure in our lives and upon returning to Canada after a career in Massachusetts with “Ma Tante Lucille” we were very fortunate to have him in our lives. He was there when his late sister Bernice was in a long-term care facility and checked in with her regularly. Walter always spoke about his late brothers and sisters and was worried about the health of the his sole surviving brother Bernard. Walter appreciated all his extended family and was very much a father and grandfather figure to many. Walter will be sadly missed and we offer our sincerest condolences to all the family members on both sides of the family, to all the friends of Walter and Lucille and to Lucille on the loss of her husband. We know Walter has rejoined all that left before him. Hope you are celebrating! The Niemi family.
I still have a teddy bear that Uncle Walter and Aunt Lucille gave me when was 3 years old.,
I saw him in Valleyfield about 5 years ago and told him this. He laughed and said “ It must look really old.” He always had a laugh ready. My love to Auntie Lucille who in her quiet, kind way made a lovely impression on me.
I visited Uncle Walter and Aunie Lucille 4 years ago. Of course, I left with a wooden bowl that he made and gave to me! I use it to hold my fruit and everyone that comes in says how nice it is. He always had a joke and a hearty laugh. My love to auntie Lucille, I always admired her sense of style as a young girl, and still saw it on my last visit.
Mes sympathies à tante Lucilleainsi qu’aux familles Jourdain et Campbell.
Nos meilleurs voeux de sympathie à tante Lucille, tante Hélène et oncle Roger, ainsi qu’aux familles concernées. Nous sommes désolés de ne pouvoir assister à la prière mais serons avec vous en pensée!❤️