Mme Marie Dieffenbaugh Garrison

Mme Marie Dieffenbaugh Garrison

In Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, on May 19th 2015, at the age of 82, Marie Dieffenbaugh passed away loving wife of M. Philip Garrison. She will be remembered by her children Rosanne (Les), Catherine, Stephen, Maxwell (Linda), Martin (Louise), Donna (Carlson), her 15 grand-children, her 14 great-grand-children, her 2 great-great-grand-children, and her family and friends. The family will held a private gathering at a later date. Donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated. J. A. Larin & Fils Inc. 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Qc. (450) 373-3636

À Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, le 19 mai 2015, à l’âge de 82 ans, est décédée Mme Marie Dieffenbaugh, épouse de M. Philip Garrison, résidant à St-Polycarpe. Outre son époux, elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Rosanne (Les), Catherine, Stephen, Maxwell (Linda), Martin (Louise) et Donna (Carlson), ses 15 petits-enfants, ses 14 arrière-petits-enfants, ses 2 arrière-arrière-petits-enfants ainsi que parents et amis. La famille aura une cérémonie en privée à une date ultérieure. Des dons à la fondation de votre choix serait appréciés. Sous la direction funéraire de J. A. Larin & Fils Inc. 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Qc. (450) 373-3636

Offrez vos condoléances à la famille de Mme Marie Dieffenbaugh Garrison

Messages de sympathie

  1. Les Cassidy dit:

    To all the Garrison family and those connected. My condolences. Although a tiny lady in stature, Marie had a big heart full of love for her children and family, never forgetting birthdays and anniversaries. God bless. RIP

  2. Alison Sturley dit:

    Marie was a lovely person with a kind and caring heart.
    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Love to all the family at this very sad time.

  3. Jennifer Savard dit:

    Our condolences to the Garrison Family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you .

  4. Suzanne & Adrien André dit:

    Our condolences to the family Gamison
    We were friend at St Polycarpe
    Our prayers are with you

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