Mme Shirley Crockett Grace

Mme Shirley Crockett Grace

À Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, le 21 avril 2014, à l’âge de 96 ans, est décédée Mme Shirley Crockett, épouse de feu M. Vernal Grace, résidant à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Kathryn (Barry), James (Rob), Michael (Karen), Patricia (Yves), ses petits-enfants Allison, Robbie, Kevin, Shelsea, Jackson, son arrière-petit-fils Michael ainsi que parents et amis. La famille recevra les condoléances le samedi 17 mai de 12h à 14h au Complexe funéraire J.A. Larin & Fils, 317, rue Victoria, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. (450) 373-3636 Les funérailles suivront à 14h00 à la Chapelle du Complexe funéraire.

Offrez vos condoléances à la famille de Mme Shirley Crockett Grace

Messages de sympathie

  1. Gladys Hill Brennan dit:

    Kathy, Jim,Mike and Patty:
    So sorry to hear about your Mom. Shirley was a positive person who always had a smile, a great sense of humour and love of family!
    I have a lot of memories of the times we spent together when we were younger!I am blessed to have been a small part of your Mom’s journey through life.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

  2. Céline Laberge dit:

    Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Mme Crockett. Nous gardons un bon souvenir.
    Céline Laberge, directrice et tout le personnel de la Résidence Le Dufferin.

  3. Amanda Hart dit:

    We are so sorry to hear of the passing of this wonderful lady! She was like my grandma growing up and I have so many fond memories of her – we loved to call her on the phone and go and visit and we always had ‘Shirley Temples’ OJ – Gingerale and a cherry! We lost touch mostly after we moved away but I will always remember her from my childhood!
    Linda, Lorne, Lorna and Amanda Hart – and families!

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